2018/2019 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung MENA Leadership Academy II for young adults from the MENA region (Funded study trip to Germany)
2018/2019 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung MENA Leadership Academy II for young adults from the MENA region (Funded study trip to Germany).
Application Deadline: December 15th 2017
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is launching the second round of a regional training program, designed for young adults from the Middle East and North Africa region.
The overall objective of the training program is to enhance the knowledge of a professional methodology for civic activism; strengthen the understanding of and the capacity for democratic participation of civil society; increase the CSO contribution to economic and social development processes as well as their role as mediator between citizens and state in terms of articulating interests and defending citizens’ rights. Moreover, the program aims at motivating young people to participate in the civic life and local development of their respective countries.
25 selected participants from seven countries will follow a unique program cycle throughout 2018 and 2019 comprising a series of four trainings to strengthen organizational and functional capabilities of CSOs. The program will furthermore focus on individual skill trainings such as communications and negotiation workshops. The training program will take place over a two-year period and the training series will be finalized with a study trip to Germany.
Eligibility Requirements:
Citizen of the following MENA region countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon
Age: Between 20 and 30 years
Active in a civil society organization or any other form of civic engagement
Very good command of the English language
Available to contribute to the entire program cycle 2018-2019.
Training Components
The training program will take place over a two-year period and will consist of the following components:
First Training: Functions and Organization of Civil Society Organizations in Democratic Societies
15-20 April 2018, Madrid/Spain
Duration: 5 days
Focus: Different aspects of CSOs roles and functions in the context of civic development in the MENA region. The participants will also be trained in strategic planning and project development.
Second Training: Strengthening Skills
October 2018,Tunis/Tunisia
Duration: 5 days
Focus: Communication, Negotiation, and Strategic Planning Skills
Third Training: Local Governance and Development
April 2019, tba/Spain
Duration: 5 days
Focus: Local politics and the role of civic participation/CSOs on the regional and local level.
Fourth Training: Civic Engagement in European Democracies
October 2019, Berlin/Germany
Duration: 7 days
Focus: Study trip to Germany during which the participants will learn about the organization of civil society and CSO activities in a European parliamentary democracy
Application Procedure:
Applications should not be submitted later than 15 December 2017 to Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Program South Mediterranean, info.poldimed@kas.de.
Required documents
Application form (see attached)
CV with photo
For more information, please visit the Official Webpage
Application Deadline: December 15th 2017
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is launching the second round of a regional training program, designed for young adults from the Middle East and North Africa region.
The overall objective of the training program is to enhance the knowledge of a professional methodology for civic activism; strengthen the understanding of and the capacity for democratic participation of civil society; increase the CSO contribution to economic and social development processes as well as their role as mediator between citizens and state in terms of articulating interests and defending citizens’ rights. Moreover, the program aims at motivating young people to participate in the civic life and local development of their respective countries.
25 selected participants from seven countries will follow a unique program cycle throughout 2018 and 2019 comprising a series of four trainings to strengthen organizational and functional capabilities of CSOs. The program will furthermore focus on individual skill trainings such as communications and negotiation workshops. The training program will take place over a two-year period and the training series will be finalized with a study trip to Germany.
Eligibility Requirements:
Citizen of the following MENA region countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon
Age: Between 20 and 30 years
Active in a civil society organization or any other form of civic engagement
Very good command of the English language
Available to contribute to the entire program cycle 2018-2019.
Training Components
The training program will take place over a two-year period and will consist of the following components:
First Training: Functions and Organization of Civil Society Organizations in Democratic Societies
15-20 April 2018, Madrid/Spain
Duration: 5 days
Focus: Different aspects of CSOs roles and functions in the context of civic development in the MENA region. The participants will also be trained in strategic planning and project development.
Second Training: Strengthening Skills
October 2018,Tunis/Tunisia
Duration: 5 days
Focus: Communication, Negotiation, and Strategic Planning Skills
Third Training: Local Governance and Development
April 2019, tba/Spain
Duration: 5 days
Focus: Local politics and the role of civic participation/CSOs on the regional and local level.
Fourth Training: Civic Engagement in European Democracies
October 2019, Berlin/Germany
Duration: 7 days
Focus: Study trip to Germany during which the participants will learn about the organization of civil society and CSO activities in a European parliamentary democracy
Application Procedure:
Applications should not be submitted later than 15 December 2017 to Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Program South Mediterranean, info.poldimed@kas.de.
Required documents
Application form (see attached)
CV with photo
For more information, please visit the Official Webpage